How can we reach you?
You can call me : +491636927495
Or send me an email :
And through the contact form , it is also quite simple.
What’s your price ?
Unfortunately I do not know what you want to have exactly. Meet me and together we will find the perfect price for you.
Why are’nt your prices on your homepage as with other photographers?
I would like to know who you are and get to know you. And you’ve probably also an interest to find out who is spending all day with you :)
Are you getting abroad for wedding?
Yes ! I’ve done some weddings and shoots abroad, I love to travel and making people happy too . I totally take care for everything that is required to accompany you to your dream destination .
How many pictures will we get from you?
On average, there are between 300 and 500 images , depending on the period and how cool your wedding day was :)
How many of them are edited?
When will we get our photos?
You’ll get your images usually 6 weeks after the wedding.
Why do you photograph weddings?
I like to make people happy . This day is perfect for this. All are happy, excited , in a good mood. These are the most beautiful moments that you can capture. For me it is the best to come back after 2 weeks to present the pictures and discover one or the other little tear.
On your side, many black and white photos can be seen . How does that relate in a wedding photojournalism ?
In a report I get to about 1/ 3 SW photos. For me, these images simply THE IMAGE signify a special elegance, a wonderful moment, or . I love them and in my articles I tend to pick me some more SW. But I think that 1/3 of a full report is a pleasant proportion .
S give you us raw images ?
You will receive from me just finished images. Images that tell your story . I know what images are necessary for this , and what it suck. About Let me work :)
What is your style?
I put myself reluctantly to the fore, it is YOUR day! I do what is necessary to get to specific images, but disturbing anyone. Here and there I am present, but not intrusive. I give tips, but no instructions . I would describe myself as a discreet companion who already finds its way to come to the „Top Shot“.
What we need to do to get you as our photographer ?
It is important that you report to you in time with me.
Be as you are, I like to discover new personalities!